Thursday 15 January 2015

The conclusion to bullying

Its just always important to know the consequences of bullying. Even if maybe bullying dosen`t happen to you or involve you  its always going to be around you. Everythig i said in my past blogs like  preventioins and consequenes of bullying should be taken into consideration . Not only for your sake but others too Bullying is such a big deal and thats`s one of the reasons i chose to write about it. Alot of deaths are heppening in our workd and a majority of them are caused by bullying witch leads to suicide. Bullying really needs to stop asap.  Our generation is only getting worse so if people dont go for help or stick up for themslfs its not gonna end well . Im going to be honest in this world you`r pretty much on you`r own . You have you`r famlly but i dont know about you but i dont tell my parents everything thst goes on in my life. In the end all that matters is the respect thsat you have for yourself and you`r dignity. If you`r ever getting bullied fight back and show them you`r not outting up their crap because you`r so much better than that . I always say to fight back because no ones always goinng to be by you`r side, so people need to learn to be more independant and do things in their own , and by doing that it will only make you stronger .