Friday 24 October 2014

Amanda Todd

So in my past blogs I’ve been talking about bullying, the side effects, what kinds of bullying exist and more but for this blog I’m going to talk about a story about one teenage girl that will always be remembered so here we go

Amanda Todd was born in 1996 in British Columbia. Before everything happened she was a normal, happy girl with lots of friends she had a typical average life. But one day her life changed forever and continued that way. One day she was introduced to an anonymous person on Facebook who flattered her so much and played her and made her believe in him. One day Amanda made the worst decision she ever made to flash her topless body to someone she didn’t know.  And she though it wasn’t a big deal because she though he was a sweet guy. But was she ever wrong.  A year after that happened the same person or someone different sent her the picture and the picture went viral. It was all over Twitter, Facebook , instagram  and at first she was happy because she was getting attention she though it was a good thing but then she realized her reputation was ruined forever. Amanda that year lost all her friends; she was always bullied, picked on, teased and made fun off every single day. Amanda had to transfer schools almost every couple months because everywhere she went people knew about her and her story it wasn’t safe anywhere.  And a year after Amanda Todd took her own life.
After her death, her YouTube video went viral to the point that it reached 17 million views.

Here is the link of her video and information if you want to know more about her.
In my opinion it is trulely sad how people can be. The guy she was talking to made her seem like he liked her and cared for her and he made her trust him and the fact that he got the pictures and posted them everywhere is just I can’t even explain. Again she shouldn’t have sent him pictures without clothes on but he shouldn’t have disrespected her like that. In my opinion the guy Amanda was talking to just cared about popularity. I feel like he posted her nudes because he knew he would get attention from his friends and everyone else. He wanted to be cool and now it backfired because now he has to deal with the fact that made a girl kill herself because of him and everyone else.  

1 comment:

  1. Kenzie, I really enjoy reading your blog each week because i always find everything you write about very interesting. I agree that Amanda Todd shouldn't have sent those pictures but that guy made her believe in him and that was far worse than what she did.
