Thursday 16 October 2014

to prevent bullying

Theres many things you can do to prevent bullying. And theres also many ways to prevent it and stop it completly. For example if you ever experience being bullied or seeing someone getting bullied you can always informe an aldult such as a teacher, parent , grand-parents and more. Also companies make websites and help phones for teens that get bullied and are to ashamed to tell someone about it. As simple as it sounds you can always tell a friend also for advice. In my oppinion i think its good that companies make these help phones because alot of teens are too scared and care about what others think, so this way they can get help without anyone knowing, But also i think that people should be more open about being bullied because having all that anixiety and stress on you isint good. To continue, Other things you can do are the following : 1. Avoid escalating the problem or situation
2. know when to walk away
3.Dont respond to cyber bullying attacks
4. Dont wait to long
5. Take legal action
6. Stand up for other people. 

These are things you can do to make bullyinng less effective and in my oppinion i think if everyone followed those rules there would be less bullying everywhere and even on the internet. 


  1. Kenzie, I compeletly agree with you and I think that people should be more open about being bullied because it`s the only way to get them to stop but I think that it`s probably because they`re afraid that it`ll get worse. I look forward to reading your next blog.

  2. I loved your blog, I’ve been bullied as a young child and at 7th grade it stopped because I stopped caring what people thought about me because they are only jealous (as my mom says ) but anyways bullying is something everyone goes trough and it’s something that really hits me in the heart. I really wish that bulling would be easy to stop but nothing is impossible. Everyone can stick up for themselves if they have the confidence.
