Tuesday 25 November 2014


There's many things you can do to prevent bullying like:

* Limit you'r friend choices so basically chose well you'r friends
* Participating less in socal media ( Twitter, instagram ect..)
* Mind you'r own buisness and sont get involved in other's people problems
* Dont do to others if you dont want them done to you

 Most bullied

Bullying is wrong and must not be tolerated. The sad reality, though, is that bullying persists in our schools today, especially for America's 6.75 million students with disabilities in our public schools.  Bullying raises civil rights concerns under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which are two federal laws that prohibit disability discrimination. 

Most kid's that get bullied now in days have disabilitys and in my opinion thats just wrong because they cant controle it and its not their fault. Also most of the kids with disablilitys get picked on because there verry easy targets because they cant defend themselfs and stick up for themselfs.

It has been noted that disabled people are disproportionately affected by bullying and abuse, and such activity has been cited as a hate crime. The bullying is not limited to those who are visibly disabled such as wheelchair-users or physically deformed such as those with a cleft lip but also those with learning disabilities such asautism and developmental coordination disorder. In the latter case, this is linked to a poor ability in physical education, and this behaviour can be encouraged by the unthinking physical education teacher. Abuse of the disabled is not limited to schools. There are many known cases in which the disabled have been abused by staff of a "care institution", such as the case revealed in a BBC Panorama programme on a Castlebeck care home (Winterbourne View) near Bristolwhich led to its closure and the suspension and sacking of some of the staff.  

1 comment:

  1. Elements plagiarised directly from http://www.stopbullying.gov/blog/2014/11/05/new-guidance-responding-bullying-students-disabilities and wikipedia.
