Tuesday 25 November 2014

Posisitive developpement :

To be honest alot of people dont look at bullying as a bad thing.
Some have argued that bullying can teach life lessons and instill strength. Helene Guldberg, a child development academic, sparked controversy when she argued that being a target of bullying can teach a child "how to manage arguements  and boost their ability to interact with others", and that teachers should not intervene, but leave children to respond to the bullying themselves
Despite the fact that the majority of those who may find themselves to be the targets of bullying behavior may ultimately feel "harmed" by such targeting, a few studies have pointed up some potentially positive outcomes from bullying behavior. These studies have found that with some individuals, as a result of their having been targeted with bullying behavior, this certain minority of former bullying "targets" have actually experienced being "enabled" through their experiences with bullying to develop various coping strategies which included "standing up for themselves" in ways which acted to "re-balance" former imbalances of power. Such former bullying targets have reported such things as "becoming a better person" as a result of their former bullying ordeals. The teaching of such anti-bullying coping skills to "would-be-targets" and to others has been found to be an effective long term means of reducing bullying incidence rates and a valuable skill-set for individuals. 

But no matter what i still think bullying is bad and that nobody should experience something as serious as bullying. Now a days kids dont understand and realise how bad bullying is once its already to late. Thats why its important to warn kids about the precautions and consequences of bullying to try and stop it completly. 


  1. This topic is interresting. I think bullying could help someone stand up for themselves but there are too many bad things that come with bullying to just look at this little thing. Plus, it could start an endless cycle of bullying since some people bully others after they're bullied. Great blog!

  2. Plagiarised directly from such sites as https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=281583715367484&id=281562598702929 and wikipedia.
