Wednesday 10 December 2014

Not just victims

Bullying affects alot of people. It can affect them with depresision witch can lead to suicide et caan also cause alot of eating disroders and health problems. But did you know that bullies also get affected. Most of the time bullying is caused by people who have their own familly issues or insecuritys and jealousy,  But also did you ever hear the saying practice makes perfect. So its like the more you bully someone the more you do it and its harder to stop Eventually it gets worse and you dont even realise. Bullying can lead someone into doing really bad things like drugs , alchool and commiting crimes. And that can also affect you'r future.if you commit crimes and get caught for it that can also ruin you'r future. It would be 100 times harder to find a job because no one woud want someone who treats others badly and is in to the wrong things ( drugs alchool ). Bullying can lead you into that kinda stuff because when you bully others you think you'r above everyone and you'r confidence boost and you suddenly dont care about what you or anyone else do, so thats how someone can get involved in things like that , they think their cool and they thiink all those things are cool .Bullying is an enormous problem, and we must all do our part to impact it. I

 Always remember "Little things can make a big difference. Simple and genuine gestures, such as regularly greeting students, talking to students, and addressing students by name, help to make students feel connected." 
This quote is really important because its a verry simple quote and its a verry simple wau to prevent bullying for everyone to understand.
I beleive that no one is born evil i beleive everyone is born as angels and change because of things that happen in their life but in my opinion i dont think its right for them to take it out of innocent people. i Beleive that if you have familly problems you shoukd talk to someone about it not take it out on other people . 

1 comment:

  1. Wow very interesting blog. You're very right when you say that no one is born evil. Most of the times people think that bullies just want to be cool but i think that parents also have a part to play in their children's lives.
