Wednesday 10 December 2014


There are alot of consequences for victims of bullying . For example depression ,suicide and way more. But did you also know there are consequences for the people causing the bullying . Bullying is a sign of violence and as they get older that violence gets way more intense and make you do really bad things without even noticing,  Its like the saying parctice makes perfect . The more you do things the better you get so if someone is always bullying other poeple than they will get better at it, and never know when to stop. You can compare bullying to like a drug. It affects you and everyione else aroud you and its verry hard to quit once you start.How parents choose to raise their children has a large impact on whether a child becomes a bully as well as how a child deals with bullies.  Alot of people say most kids who are bullies become who they are because of parental lack 0f controle, poor role models and lack of warmth . Those things can really affect children mentally witch causes them to do things for attention when its the wrong attention there seeking .  When there's bad parenting involved the child obviously takes after that.  Teenagers and all kids need atention and when they try to get attention from their parents and dont succeed they will almost go to any extreme to get the most attenton they can and that involves anything or anyone.  Thats one of the main reasons why kids and teenagers have depression is mostly because of bad parenting skills.  In my opinion It is important for everyone in the community to work together to send a unified message against bullying. Launch an awareness campaign to make the objectives known to the school, parents, and community members. 

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