Wednesday 10 December 2014

Not just victims

Bullying affects alot of people. It can affect them with depresision witch can lead to suicide et caan also cause alot of eating disroders and health problems. But did you know that bullies also get affected. Most of the time bullying is caused by people who have their own familly issues or insecuritys and jealousy,  But also did you ever hear the saying practice makes perfect. So its like the more you bully someone the more you do it and its harder to stop Eventually it gets worse and you dont even realise. Bullying can lead someone into doing really bad things like drugs , alchool and commiting crimes. And that can also affect you'r future.if you commit crimes and get caught for it that can also ruin you'r future. It would be 100 times harder to find a job because no one woud want someone who treats others badly and is in to the wrong things ( drugs alchool ). Bullying can lead you into that kinda stuff because when you bully others you think you'r above everyone and you'r confidence boost and you suddenly dont care about what you or anyone else do, so thats how someone can get involved in things like that , they think their cool and they thiink all those things are cool .Bullying is an enormous problem, and we must all do our part to impact it. I

 Always remember "Little things can make a big difference. Simple and genuine gestures, such as regularly greeting students, talking to students, and addressing students by name, help to make students feel connected." 
This quote is really important because its a verry simple quote and its a verry simple wau to prevent bullying for everyone to understand.
I beleive that no one is born evil i beleive everyone is born as angels and change because of things that happen in their life but in my opinion i dont think its right for them to take it out of innocent people. i Beleive that if you have familly problems you shoukd talk to someone about it not take it out on other people . 

There are alot of consequences for victims of bullying . For example depression ,suicide and way more. But did you also know there are consequences for the people causing the bullying . Bullying is a sign of violence and as they get older that violence gets way more intense and make you do really bad things without even noticing,  Its like the saying parctice makes perfect . The more you do things the better you get so if someone is always bullying other poeple than they will get better at it, and never know when to stop. You can compare bullying to like a drug. It affects you and everyione else aroud you and its verry hard to quit once you start.How parents choose to raise their children has a large impact on whether a child becomes a bully as well as how a child deals with bullies.  Alot of people say most kids who are bullies become who they are because of parental lack 0f controle, poor role models and lack of warmth . Those things can really affect children mentally witch causes them to do things for attention when its the wrong attention there seeking .  When there's bad parenting involved the child obviously takes after that.  Teenagers and all kids need atention and when they try to get attention from their parents and dont succeed they will almost go to any extreme to get the most attenton they can and that involves anything or anyone.  Thats one of the main reasons why kids and teenagers have depression is mostly because of bad parenting skills.  In my opinion It is important for everyone in the community to work together to send a unified message against bullying. Launch an awareness campaign to make the objectives known to the school, parents, and community members. 

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Posisitive developpement :

To be honest alot of people dont look at bullying as a bad thing.
Some have argued that bullying can teach life lessons and instill strength. Helene Guldberg, a child development academic, sparked controversy when she argued that being a target of bullying can teach a child "how to manage arguements  and boost their ability to interact with others", and that teachers should not intervene, but leave children to respond to the bullying themselves
Despite the fact that the majority of those who may find themselves to be the targets of bullying behavior may ultimately feel "harmed" by such targeting, a few studies have pointed up some potentially positive outcomes from bullying behavior. These studies have found that with some individuals, as a result of their having been targeted with bullying behavior, this certain minority of former bullying "targets" have actually experienced being "enabled" through their experiences with bullying to develop various coping strategies which included "standing up for themselves" in ways which acted to "re-balance" former imbalances of power. Such former bullying targets have reported such things as "becoming a better person" as a result of their former bullying ordeals. The teaching of such anti-bullying coping skills to "would-be-targets" and to others has been found to be an effective long term means of reducing bullying incidence rates and a valuable skill-set for individuals. 

But no matter what i still think bullying is bad and that nobody should experience something as serious as bullying. Now a days kids dont understand and realise how bad bullying is once its already to late. Thats why its important to warn kids about the precautions and consequences of bullying to try and stop it completly. 


There's many things you can do to prevent bullying like:

* Limit you'r friend choices so basically chose well you'r friends
* Participating less in socal media ( Twitter, instagram ect..)
* Mind you'r own buisness and sont get involved in other's people problems
* Dont do to others if you dont want them done to you

 Most bullied

Bullying is wrong and must not be tolerated. The sad reality, though, is that bullying persists in our schools today, especially for America's 6.75 million students with disabilities in our public schools.  Bullying raises civil rights concerns under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which are two federal laws that prohibit disability discrimination. 

Most kid's that get bullied now in days have disabilitys and in my opinion thats just wrong because they cant controle it and its not their fault. Also most of the kids with disablilitys get picked on because there verry easy targets because they cant defend themselfs and stick up for themselfs.

It has been noted that disabled people are disproportionately affected by bullying and abuse, and such activity has been cited as a hate crime. The bullying is not limited to those who are visibly disabled such as wheelchair-users or physically deformed such as those with a cleft lip but also those with learning disabilities such asautism and developmental coordination disorder. In the latter case, this is linked to a poor ability in physical education, and this behaviour can be encouraged by the unthinking physical education teacher. Abuse of the disabled is not limited to schools. There are many known cases in which the disabled have been abused by staff of a "care institution", such as the case revealed in a BBC Panorama programme on a Castlebeck care home (Winterbourne View) near Bristolwhich led to its closure and the suspension and sacking of some of the staff.  

Monday 3 November 2014

You may think that bullying is only one thing. I bet half of you guys didint know that theres many types of bullying such as:
* Cyberbullying is any bullying done through the use of technology.
* Disability bullying: It has been noted that disabled people are disproportionately affected by bullying and abuse.
* Gay bullying 
* legal bullying 
* parental bullying 
So as you can see  theres many formes of bullying. And most of the time people dont realise there bullying other.
Bullying causes a number of social, physical and mental health problems.:
- children who are bullied suffer more headaches, anxiety and depression 
- children who bully , and children who are bullied are more highly to commite suicide 
- children who bully are more likely to do drugs and to become an acoholic 

So in my oppinion i think that these types are bullying are really harsh on some kids maybe on everyone. For some people bullying dosent bother them but you never know what could be runnimg threw their mind. And if you bully someone to the point to where they want to kill themselves and they actually do that action you would have to live with the fact that you techinacly killed someone and to be honest no one would want to live with that though in their head for the rest of their life.

Friday 24 October 2014

Amanda Todd

So in my past blogs I’ve been talking about bullying, the side effects, what kinds of bullying exist and more but for this blog I’m going to talk about a story about one teenage girl that will always be remembered so here we go

Amanda Todd was born in 1996 in British Columbia. Before everything happened she was a normal, happy girl with lots of friends she had a typical average life. But one day her life changed forever and continued that way. One day she was introduced to an anonymous person on Facebook who flattered her so much and played her and made her believe in him. One day Amanda made the worst decision she ever made to flash her topless body to someone she didn’t know.  And she though it wasn’t a big deal because she though he was a sweet guy. But was she ever wrong.  A year after that happened the same person or someone different sent her the picture and the picture went viral. It was all over Twitter, Facebook , instagram  and at first she was happy because she was getting attention she though it was a good thing but then she realized her reputation was ruined forever. Amanda that year lost all her friends; she was always bullied, picked on, teased and made fun off every single day. Amanda had to transfer schools almost every couple months because everywhere she went people knew about her and her story it wasn’t safe anywhere.  And a year after Amanda Todd took her own life.
After her death, her YouTube video went viral to the point that it reached 17 million views.

Here is the link of her video and information if you want to know more about her.
In my opinion it is trulely sad how people can be. The guy she was talking to made her seem like he liked her and cared for her and he made her trust him and the fact that he got the pictures and posted them everywhere is just I can’t even explain. Again she shouldn’t have sent him pictures without clothes on but he shouldn’t have disrespected her like that. In my opinion the guy Amanda was talking to just cared about popularity. I feel like he posted her nudes because he knew he would get attention from his friends and everyone else. He wanted to be cool and now it backfired because now he has to deal with the fact that made a girl kill herself because of him and everyone else.  

Thursday 16 October 2014

to prevent bullying

Theres many things you can do to prevent bullying. And theres also many ways to prevent it and stop it completly. For example if you ever experience being bullied or seeing someone getting bullied you can always informe an aldult such as a teacher, parent , grand-parents and more. Also companies make websites and help phones for teens that get bullied and are to ashamed to tell someone about it. As simple as it sounds you can always tell a friend also for advice. In my oppinion i think its good that companies make these help phones because alot of teens are too scared and care about what others think, so this way they can get help without anyone knowing, But also i think that people should be more open about being bullied because having all that anixiety and stress on you isint good. To continue, Other things you can do are the following : 1. Avoid escalating the problem or situation
2. know when to walk away
3.Dont respond to cyber bullying attacks
4. Dont wait to long
5. Take legal action
6. Stand up for other people. 

These are things you can do to make bullyinng less effective and in my oppinion i think if everyone followed those rules there would be less bullying everywhere and even on the internet. 

Friday 10 October 2014

6 facts about bullying that everyone should know!

fact 1: It’s a mistake to assume that all bullies are loners or have low self-esteem. while some bullies do suffer from self-esteem issues, there are others who bully because they feel entitled for they have fallen into peer preashure. Bullying involves having power over someone. As a result, many kids who bully have a craving for power. In other words, the bully is looking to improve his status.
fact 2.  People need to realise there isint just one target. We mostly see in movies that the un popular kids get bullied.. but thats not always the case even the most popular kids get bullied as well.
fact 3. Bullying can occure at any age 
fact 4. there are 4 types of bullying : physical, verbal, relational agression and cyberbullying
fact5. When it comes to bullying, boys and girls tend to bully differently. For instance female bullies tend to be “mean girls” who use relational aggression and cyberbullying to control and manipulate situations. Girls also resort to more name-calling and tend to bully only other girls. And for guys they use way more agression and by that i mean they like to punch and beat them physcally. 
fact 6. those who are usually victimized by bullying dont often report it and in my opinion i find that thats a really bad idea because a person should never feel alone and have all that pressusre on them cause it can have consequences later on .

Monday 15 September 2014


Millions and milllions of children, teenagers and even adults are bullied everyday. And thats why i chose to do  this subject because its wrong and people need to realise it. For those of you who dont know what an exact definition of bullying,  its an action defined to repeat agressive behavior intended to hurt someone physiclly or mentally. The most reasoning behind bullying is a way to gain power over another person. I beleive the most bullying is caused by many things for example; race, gender, culture and mainly jealousy. No matter where you are and where you go bullying is everywhere; on the internet such as twitter,facebook, instagram ; outdoors, at home, at school everywhere. I honestly dont know how some people can be so agressive towards someone and not feel any pity what so ever. Alot of peoples excusses now a days are " they deserved it" and that is not true at all. Were all humain , we all have a heart we all are the same but also different and just because soemeones alitle different then it dosent mean they should get picked on for it , other people should embrass it. and since we all have feelings and are the same in that type of way , we should all be treated with respect, because lets be honest here if tables were turned you wouldint want to get bullyed either , but thats just my opinion.